

My name is Max


As a 4th generation local of Leucadia my roots run deep here in San Diego County. Love for my hometown and passion for golf has fueled my vision to establish a golf facility that goes all out for my clients.

I have been a golf professional since 2014. After a shortened collegiate golf career I became an Assistant Coach for my alma mater. In 2016, I became the youngest Head Golf Coach in NCAA history. My team set three new program scoring records and achieved its highest team finishes in nearly a decade. I guided my #1 player to All - Conference Honors and two individual wins, the first for the school since 2011.

I carried this success into my private player development. Several of my juniors have captured tournament titles, medalist honors, college scholarships, and a Player of the Year Award. My adult clients have fared just as well with hundreds of personal bests (low of 63), scratch handicaps, hole-in-ones, Mid-Am Qualifiers, US Amateur Tour titles, and a Senior SCPGA Championship.

My college golf career and hopes for professional golf was halted by significant injuries sustained outside of golf. My inability to regain my form left me wondering how I could not play a game I once felt so confident in. My arduous return to golf and slow recovery of skill motivated me to seek out the most objectively reliable and high-performance methods of playing golf. My search has ended and culminated in SWINGWORX™. Now I want to pass on the methods to others. As a player who has experienced the peaks and valleys of golf, I can meet with you wherever your game is and propel you forward. Come see me, and your game will never be the same.

I’m excited to begin.


Founder & Owner

Golf Biomechanist

Former NCAA Coach