

These are the three components to golf performance. All three are necessary to improve and play at the level of golf you desire.



Our mentality is what allows the other two to operate. A golfer can have a superior swing but if the golfer remains uncertain, that swing will never perform to its potential. Think of a well-engineered supercar sitting on the starting line of a race track. Now imagine a timid driver behind the wheel. That car will not perform to its potential.

Conversely, a skilled race car driver cannot perform as expected driving a minivan. A golfer can have a constant positive outlook but it will not override the faulty swing mechanics which cause missed shots. Please make no mistake, I am not criticizing the unique swings we see on tour or among other skilled players. However, the Jim Furyks and Bubba Watsons of golf are the exceptions, not the rule.

The swing is the most sought out component of all three and it should be. It is hard to keep a good mentality if the swing is not producing desired results and strategy is useless if the shots are inconsistent and unpredictable. Once we work towards the correct swing and produce favorable shots, this aids a good mentality and we can legitimately strategize.

When we look at a golf swing it can be difficult to determine how to examine it and where to begin training. The simplest description of a golf swing is the human body holds and moves the club to hit the ball. The most reliable way of examining this is through the scientific lens of biomechanics and physics. (Biomechanics defines human body movement and physics defines the movement of an object through space and time.)



Now it is true there is no perfect swing in golf — but some swings outperform others. When we break down the best swings in the world using the applicable sciences we see extremely similar swings. With these commonalities we have constructed what I call an “Ideal Swing Template.” I call it Ideal because it has the necessary and optimum qualities for consistently producing shots with correct contact, direction, and distance. I call it a Template because the swing is composed of basic human body movement which means anyone can use it. The gap in performance is not about physicality, but knowledge.

I am completely confident in this method not because of anything special about me but because of the results. The progress and achievements of my clients is the superior indicator. Additionally, I studied the works of the foremost authorities on biomechanics and watched hours of swing video from professionals past and present. Many use this swing, but one pro emulated it to perfection: Tiger Woods.

I show everyone how it works in the first lesson. If you come see me and you are unsatisfied with the information, your session is free.

Strategy is calculating conditions and probabilities — then making a decision. Golf provides a myriad of settings for the game. Even the same course can play differently between rounds. Understanding the effects of conditions and how to weigh your probabilities during a round can be the difference between reaching your goal or falling just short.

Just as the race car driver will study the track and its conditions, so golfers must study how their game will play on a course and its accompanying conditions. Strategy will provide both incremental and monumental differences because it is both proactive and preventative. A golfer may only lower their score by a couple strokes but they will also minimize costly mistakes.



I will show you how to properly calculate the conditions and probabilities while keeping the process succinct to keep your rounds moving and the scores low.

Teaching Equipment & Partners

The purpose of the equipment is to enhance the learning experience by providing objective data and visual aids. Additionally, the tools hold me accountable to providing real, measurable improvement. You should not just feel improved, but know it.

  • TrackMan 4 (Dual Doppler Radars and High-end Optics)

  • TM Performance Software (50 Metrics, virtual rounds, customized practice, and “Tracy” AI)

  • FLIR Slow Motion Cameras (230fps)

  • Swing Catalyst Software (Face on & Down the line)

SWINGWORX collaborates with Club Champion on all club fitting projects to ensure optimized equipment is chosen