
Welcome to the virtual instruction from Swingworx Golf Performance. There is still much content under development, but for the time being, what is ready is being released. Before you explore, there are three points to remember:

  1. This is a supplement. While the end goal is to have a comprehensive online program, this mainly serves to refresh and solidify what clients have already learned in person. This is a piece to the puzzle, not the completion of it.

  2. This is not exhaustive. As we know, golf is complex. Underneath the main skills lie many detailed concepts, techniques, and lessons. This will be completed as quickly as possible but not at the cost of quality.

  3. The desired results require methodical application. The tutorials are offered in an intentional order. Each tutorial addresses specific concepts and techniques. This is not a buffet of instantaneous solutions. The responsibility on your part is to apply the correct tutorial. If you are unsure, you may always reach out to me.

Disclaimer: The limited amount of content at the moment will make these points seem excessive. It’s currently nothing more than a sample. However; as more is added, being diligently mindful of these points will help you get the most out of this resource.

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