
Each program consists of coaching on the mentality, swing, and strategy of golf performance. While the difference among programs appear to be the amount of sessions and overall price, we should discuss your desired skill level and goals. From there we can choose the right program size and develop a personalized plan to reach your goals.


5 | 10 | 15

Five, ten, or fifteen private 1-hour sessions. You may choose the program that you would like; however, I recommend a single 1-hour session first that I may map out a progression plan and suggest the correct amount of sessions based on your current and desired level of play. It is ultimately up to you. If you choose the single 1-hour session and decide on a program I will count that first session as part of the program so that you receive the proper price.


150 FLEX

150 minutes of instruction allocated however you desire. It can be done in a single session and it can be broken up into five 30-minute sessions. This package is primarily for clients who have gone through a program and are looking to maintain their current level of play or sharpen one smaller aspect of their game. The only other clients who use this package are low - scratch handicaps.


1 HR

A single one-hour session. This is the ideal first step for any new client. We will conduct an initial evaluation which includes hitting golf balls. I follow this up with revealing how my methods work. We dive into to the necessary and initial step of the program. If you choose to pay by session rather than a full program you will not be eligible for lower rates. Only after one session will you be able to include that as part of a program.

FREE Evaluation

If you prefer a personal introduction please schedule a FREE 20-minute Evaluation. It will give you the chance to receive immediate instruction and ask questions. I want you to be able to make an informed, confident decision.

*limit 1 per client*

Program Benefits

Included in the 5|10|15 and 150 FLEX is…

  • Progression Plan. This is the schedule and content of your lessons coupled with…

  • Practice Regimen. Carefully crafted to challenge and sharpen your game on your own time.

  • Session Recap. Video summarizing what we covered with swing clips and TrackMan data. Sent after each session.

  • Swing Reviews. Send in a video of your swing and I will reply with a feedback video containing correction and affirmation.

  • Unlimited Website Access to the lectures and swing tutorials.

  • 24/7 support from me personally. If you ever have questions regarding your improvement, struggles, etc I am available via email, text, and call regarding anything about the game. All inquiries will be handled ASAP.

  • NEW! Practice Sessions. Clients may reserve the Hub for practice on the TrackMan and short game area. Play virtual rounds at any of the hundreds of courses and/or customized ranges with targets and obstacles set at any distance. I will assist with setup and data navigation. Only $15/hr for clients.

I do this because I want you to have it all. I want you to reach your goals. A teacher should be just as invested as their students.



Five - $550

Ten - $1000

Fifteen - $1350


150 FLEX - $300


1-Hr Session - $120

To ensure the utmost security for clients, all purchases must be made onsite or by inquiry. Acceptable payment includes Credit Cards, Zelle, Venmo, and Cash. I will never invoice unless requested.


Only one may be applied

Juniors & College Players

20% OFF

Must be 18 years or younger. Proof of being on the roster required for college players.



17.76% OFF

US Armed Forces, Air Force, Navy, and Cost Guard. Past and Present.



10% OFF

For clients who refer a program-purchasing customer. One discount per referral.

The purpose of these discounts are:

  • To ease the financial burden of young golfers and their parents with aspirations who need long term coaching (I’ve been there)

  • Honor those who have served and sacrificed (Thank you for your service)

  • Appreciate and support clients who support me (You’re the favorite part of my work)

For those wondering if multiple referrals can be combined into a 20% discount or more, the answer is of course.

You could legitimately get lessons for free.